Friday, September 26, 2014

The Power Satan Fears Most

     Man's basic desire down through history has been to try and make his "toys" and weapons bigger and better than before.  This is shown in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons.  The alien movies all show man's attempt to come up with a superior weapon that can defeat a technologically advanced enemy.  Desert Storm gave Americans a feeling of invincibility because of our bigger and better war machines.

     But in our spiritual war with Satan, our most powerful weapon against him is rarely used.  It's sad to see so many people defeated by money problems, job stress, fear of death, or physical and emotional health problems.  Satan has deceived so many into turning a blind eye to a superior power source that is right within reach.

     What is this weapon that Satan dreads?  The Spirit of God.  Living right inside every Christian (Romans 8: 9-11).  So, if God's spirit dwells inside us and Satan can't stand against it, why are so many of us defeated by the enemy? 

     Because God's people haven't given enough time, study and practice to get a proper understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  And since our knowledge and perception of him is weak, so is our ability to stand against the devil. 

     Romans 8 has been called the great Spirit chapter of the Bible.  In these verses, the Apostle Paul provides an invaluable resource for encouraging each one of us to take advantage of the power that Satan fears the most - the Holy Spirit.  He's right at our fingertips.  When we let the Spirit lead us, He will take care of everything for us (26, 27).  The final result, says Paul, is complete and total victory (31-39).

     Now I can understand why Satan is working so hard to keep us from learning about this powerful weapon.  If we all took advantage of it, he would be out of business. 

     So is your God big enough to give you the victory?  He is if His Spirit lives in you and you trust Him to lead you.  Isn’t it time to learn more about the weapon Satan doesn't want you to know about?


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Joy of the LORD

            Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."                                                                                                                     Nehemiah 8:10

            The context of this passage above follows the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the renewal of The Covenant between Israel and God.  The Jews that returned from Babylonian exile were reacting to the teaching of the Law of God by Ezra the priest.  The people were weeping after learning what God required of them and knowing they were guilty of not obeying His law.  However, Nehemiah understood that, even though spiritual restoration begins with godly sorrow and repentance, it is necessary to leave the anguish and sadness of guilt behind and begin to rebuild your relationship with God by enjoying the relief that comes from being forgiven. 

In many Scriptures God appeals to His people to rejoice and to be joyful, happy and contented in this life (Psalm 4:7; 16:11; 30:11; 118:24; John 15:11; Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:4 just to name a few). This is especially so in the light of the forgiveness that is available now that Jesus has conquered sin through His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead.  Yes, it is terrible that Jesus had to give His life to pay for our sin, but once baptized and saved, it is important to celebrate and reach out to others looking for the same relief. 

You can’t encourage others to come to Christ by moping about and constantly “kicking yourself” over past offenses (that God has now forgiven and forgotten).  You also can’t build a loving relationship with God through constant remorse and continually begging His forgiveness.  There comes a time when it is appropriate and essential to rejoice and celebrate your faith and salvation.  This joy helps you grow up (mature) into Christ.  This joy encourages sinners to desire to be saved and share a similar faith that you’re demonstrating.  This joy builds courage and confidence and contentment.  So, as Nehemiah declared, “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”


Friday, September 12, 2014

Turn Your Righteousness Inward

            Many times in the pages of the Bible, God reminds His people that unless they have the proper attitude and spirit when practicing their religion, what they do is meaningless and vain.  In 1 Samuel 15:22 it says that He prefers obedience to sacrifice.  In Isaiah 1:16-17 He tells His people to wash themselves, do what is right, and seek justice.  In Micah 6:8 He states that what is required of us is to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with Him.  Jesus said in Mark 12:28-34 that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your being and your neighbor as yourself.  When asked what works God is pleased with, Jesus answered that the work of God is to believe (faith) in the One He has sent (John 6:28-29).  And James says that true religion is seeing to the needs of those less fortunate while getting rid of sin and selfishness (James 1:26-27).

            So, then, Christianity isn’t as much what I do, as it is who I am - or who I am becoming.  My actions and good deeds are to flow from my faith and commitment to Christ (Romans 1:5).  I am saved by the grace of God, not by what I do, or how I worship, or how many sermons I preach, but by putting on Christ (Galatians 3:26-27) and turning my righteousness inward (imitating Him).

            I believe that this is what Jesus was trying to get Nicodemus to understand in John 3.  Jesus was challenging him to think on the spiritual level - to turn his righteousness inward.  The man had been trained to think on the physical level (as the Pharisees were fanatical about outward shows of religion).  But now that Jesus had arrived, it was necessary to turn those righteous rituals inward and begin applying spiritual thinking to everyday life.  Paul says in Colossians 3:1-4 that since Jesus has died and been raised and ascended to the Father, our thoughts and actions are to flow from the heart based on our faith in Him.

            Therefore, each of us must strive to control the destructive inner desires that weaken our faith and credibility and use every opportunity God provides to spread the message of Jesus through our words and our actions (1John 3:18).  Our reasons for loving and serving others are to be motivated by our faith in Christ.  Because God is pleased when He sees His children growing in Christ and loving one another, just as His servant John writes (3 John 4).

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Spiritual Warfare

            Let’s face it:  We’re at war.  No, I don’t mean that our country’s soldiers are off fighting somewhere in the world.  I mean right here, right now, right under our noses, we’re at war.  The Bible provides many images of this conflict.  God has often reminded His people of this fact.  That, like it or not, we’re at war with a relentless enemy.

            We don’t recognize the struggle we’re in because we can’t see it, or touch it, or hear it, or sense it in any way.  It is a spiritual battle being waged (Ephesians 6:12) and physically minded people are not able to comprehend what is going on.  Our souls are at stake.  Therefore, it requires our thinking on the spiritual level in order to “see” the enemy and effectively engage him in battle. This may also be behind Jesus’ words that our worship is to be spiritually based – and guided by His truth (John 4:23-24).

            Another problem we have fighting this invisible war is that the enemy is really good at using those around us to attack us.  We don’t expect the people we love and respect to be the weapons Satan strikes us with.  He did it to Jesus using the disciples (Matthew 16:23), his hometown folks  (Matthew 13:57), his own family (John 7:5), and even John the Baptist (Luke 7:19).  I can only imagine the torture Stephen must have felt when the very people who should have understood what he was saying ended up killing him.  Notice Paul’s despondency at having his friend Demas had turn against him (2 Timothy 4:10).  These were all attacks by Satan.

            Fortunately God loved us so much that He gave us everything needed to win this kind of war.  He sent Jesus to cleanse us from the sin that weighs us down (Hebrews 12:1-3).  He has a home prepared and waiting for us when we get to heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1).  He has given us all of the necessary pieces of armor for protecting our souls, for attacking and defeating our enemy (Ephesians 6:13-18). 

            The only thing, then, that remains is for us to take advantage of what He has provided.  Being baptized into Christ and thus being in tune with Him on the spiritual level. And then living / walking in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7). This is the only way we can successfully win this war. 

            Oh yes . . . there is one more reality about this spiritual battle:  you have to fight.  There is no option to have a non-combat role in God’s kingdom.  God will not accept spectators or conscientious objectors. He’s looking for battle-hardened, battle-scarred soldiers.  Because only those who struggle and fight to the very end will finish the war alive (Revelation 2:10).
