Saturday, April 25, 2015

The One True Way

It is really being closed-minded to insist on one way to do things? After all there are many ways to cook an egg; there are dozens of roads leading into the city; multiple views on how to handle the economy; hundreds of items to choose from a menu. Every person is unique and has their own special way to deal with life’s dealings and challenges. To expect everyone to fit into one pattern, one mindset, one routine, one cultural belief system is humanly impossible. That attitude seems opinionated at best and totally unrealistic at worst.

Yet, the Bible is very plain about the way to salvation (reunion/reconciliation with God): there is just one way – for everyone. This is terrible, unwanted news for those who like to think they are in charge and are adept at leading their own life. They like the freedom to try new and unique ways to cope and to fill the voids in their lives. But their lives are far from fulfilled; they can’t stay married for very long; they’re constantly debating and protesting for their “rights” (if they can even define what those “rights” are); criticizing those of opposing views (thus doing the very thing they claim the others are guilty of). Why can’t they see that they’re trapped by the popular,  politically-correct methods and views that are themselves opinionated, intolerant, and unrealistic?
To those who are tired of the trial-and-error approach to life that humans are enslaved to, God’s one way for everybody is truly good news and welcome relief. No longer do you have to wonder what others think, or what others are doing, or if your ideas will pan out. Gone is the stress and apprehension of ensuring you make the right choice every time and what the plan will be should it turn out wrong. It is good news to those of us who hate having to make multiple decisions and waiting to see how things will turn out. The God who created us is perfect enough to have provided one effectual path that is ideal for every person to complete their journey back to Him. One way that is guaranteed to succeed. The way of Christ.

Jesus Himself says that He is the (1) way, the (1) truth, and the (1) life; the only (one) way to return to the Father (John 14:6). Nice; I don’t  have to guess which honorable person of the past I need to base my thinking and behavior on. Jesus is the only choice to make. When I base by entire being on His example, His philosophies, His manners I am guaranteed to arrive at my desired destination – God the Father.

Jesus also says that it won’t be easy. We need to enter [life, now and eternal] through the narrow gate that leads to life. The majority in their obsession of following after their own faulty theories and practices head down the broad path that unfortunately leads to death and destruction. Notice that He states few (the minority) will “find” the right way. The choice to follow God’s tried and true way to life takes effort and strength of mind to persevere to the desired end.

Jesus fulfilled everything the Scriptures foretold (Matthew 5:17). He is the fulfillment of every promise God ever made (2 Corinthians 1:19-20). He is the only one who made it through human life without failing (Hebrews 4:15). That is why He was the only one worthy to enact and bring about God’s way of salvation (Revelation 5:1-5). And since no one else in all of history can make this claim, don’t you think it’s best to get in line with His way of faith, His truth of mindset, and His way of living so that you can be assured of making it safely to the other side?

Take a load off by making God’s one tried-and-true way your tried-and-true way. Trust Him to know what’s best for your life since He’s proven over and over that He has your best interests at heart. Give up the human trial-and-error method that has only proven to be empty and hollow, and follow His one, true way so you can be free to enjoy the life He created for you.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Amateurs or Professionals?

     Did you ever stop to consider that God is an amateur?  Does that offend you to think of God in that way?  To the American way of thinking, an amateur is someone that tries, but accomplishes little.  God doesn’t fit this idea, does He?

     We idolize professionals, not amateurs.  After all, if anything is going to get done, we need someone who has proven his worth.  Someone who is talented and experienced.  We are looking to follow and imitate a professional.  Therefore, we need a God that is a professional.  How dare you call God an amateur!

     Yet, look at the meaning of these two words.  In the basic sense of the word, a professional is one who engages in an activity in order to receive some kind of reward or payoff.  A professional athlete expects payment for playing a certain game.  A professional actor or actress receives money for their performance.  A professional in the business world receives a salary for services rendered.

     An amateur, on the other hand, is someone who engages in an activity for the love of it.  An amateur athlete competes because he/she enjoys the challenge and loves playing the game.  Amateur actors/actresses perform in a play because they enjoy entertaining the audience.  An amateur in the business world is called a volunteer.  They provide a service because they love helping others.

     Now I ask you.  Why has God done all of the things He is known for throughout history?  In order to receive a payoff?  Or did He do them for the love of it?  Did Jesus come to this earth to be paid or to get anything for his work?  Or did he come here to show the extent of God’s love to mankind?  I think you will have to agree that everything God has done and will continue to do is motivated by His love for us.  He does it for the love of it. 

     Bring this idea home now.  In the Christian realm, why do you do the things you do?  Are you trying to earn something from God?  Or are you in it for the love of it?  What is your aim for your Christian life?

     Scripture is calling for amateurs, not professionals.  Jesus told his disciples that their distinguishing mark in the world would be the love they show toward each other (John 13:34, 35).  He leaves the impression that He calls for them to be amateurs and not professionals. The rewards disciples are looking forward to cannot be earned; but Jesus promises to grant them freely for the love of it.

            Now I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful that God chooses to be an amateur. I am infinitely and wonderfully blessed because He loves to give me all things. It’s just another example of how good He is and how amazing His grace really is.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Abraham’s Descendant

            Have you ever searched your family’s ancestry?  Genealogies have really become popular lately.  Most who trace their lineage today do so as a hobby. 

            The Jews have always placed a great deal of emphasis on their ability to trace their family line back to Abraham (the father of their faith).  They rested secure in the knowledge that God’s promises to Abraham were to be inherited by his descendants.  So it was extremely important for them to keep track of their linage.

            But Paul mentions three things about these promises to Abraham (Galatians 3:6 - 4:7) that are important for us.   (1) The Jews were not the only descendants of Abraham.  He had other children besides Isaac.  (2) God said that ALL nations would be blessed.  And (3), the promise was for Abraham’s seed (descendant) - singular, as in one person.  Why only one?  Because only one son can inherit a fathers’ estate.  But just who is this one descendant?

            ALL of God’s promises find their “Yes” (fulfillment) in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).  Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection is proof positive that God has kept every promise that He ever made.  His promise to Abraham is fulfilled in Jesus - the rightful heir.

            Now this wonderful promise has been extended to all who wish to become co-heirs with Him (Romans 8:17).  The way to do that is by being baptized (immersed) into Christ.  This allows us to clothe ourselves and be united with Him (Romans 6:3-5; Galatians 3:26-29).  We, in turn, become sons of God through Jesus and receive the right to inherit the same blessings He does!

            How cool to think that God would consider those in Christ to be His own children (1 John 3:1-4)!  But it is not to be taken lightly or with an attitude that we are better than others (as the Jews of Jesus’ day did).  Every part of our life must now reflect the loving, forgiving Father who adopted us into His family (Romans 8:12-17).  Once clothed with Christ, it is our purpose as sons of God to live righteously in the world and strive to bring more lost souls into Jesus.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Our Forever Father

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting [Forever] Father, Prince of Peace.”  (Isaiah 9:6)

               Is it correct to think of Messiah (Jesus) as our “Everlasting (Forever) Father”?  I mean the whole trinity formula (God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; The Holy Spirit, our Counselor) seems to be thrown all off if Jesus (Messiah) is our Forever Father. I understand Jesus being the Forever Son; my constant friend, confidant, and intermediary to God, the Father – the One in charge. But Everlasting Father tends to blur the lines defining the personalities and job functions. That is, on a human level it seems confusing until I struggle to remember two things:

            (1) God is an equal unit. All of His unique personalities (Father, Son, Spirit) function together in perfect harmony. They’re all on the same level of hierarchy and importance. So this passage is equating Messiah (Jesus) as being God, the Father in the flesh as one of us (Immanuel).

            (2) Father doesn’t necessarily refer to a family patriarch, or founder, or higher-ranking official. Sometimes a father is a caretaker or steward; one who sees to the needs and welfare of another. Think of a trusted servant, or adviser to a high official. Like Joseph, who claims that God has made him “father to Pharaoh” (Genesis 45:8).

            I think this second usage fits the context of Messiah’s purpose and mission most perfectly. Didn’t Jesus Himself say that He came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45)? Doesn’t He refer to Himself as the Good Shepherd (John 10): a role of caretaker to lesser individuals in need? And isn’t He described as being in charge of God’s household, the church, His bride (Hebrews 2:14-18)? His ministry and atonement at Calvary attest to His task of seeing to and meeting our spiritual needs working on behalf of the entire God-head. After all, He was the fulfillment of all of God’s promises (2 Corinthians 1:19-20) and the perfect solution to man’s sin problem.

            Think of what a wonderful blessing this promises then. God the Father, as Jesus the Son is continually looking after and taking care of our every need by the power of His Holy Spirit living within us – forever! As Everlasting Father, Jesus’ blood continues to cleanse those who walk with Him in the light (1 John 1:7). As Everlasting Father, Jesus continues to interpret our prayers­­ (Romans 8:26) and work out good things for our benefit (Romans 8:28). ­­­­­­As Everlasting Father Jesus has our eternal home prepared for our arrival in Heaven (John 14:1-3). As Everlasting Father we have the power/strength to handle anything that comes our way (Philippians 4:13) and the confidence to know that Satan can’t stand against us (James 4:7). The list of blessings is literally endless since He is our Everlasting [Forever] Father.

            Isn’t it time you returned to the Father? He is longing for your return so He can celebrate (like in Jesus’ story – Luke 15). Put on Christ in baptism (Galatians 3:26-27) and/or get back on track with the Spirit and let Him guide you into all holiness. He promises to be the perfect guardian and caretaker of your soul. And you’re promised an eternity of blessings to experience alongside Him by doing so.
