Saturday, August 29, 2015

Love Instead of Wrath

“Oh man, are you in trouble!” I was terrified when I heard these words. They sounded like death to me. My best friend had just reinforced the knowledge that my life was over. “When your dad finds out . . .” Yeah, justice was going to be meted out – big time! Who would have thought that such huge consequences could be caused by breaking that little window in the neighbor’s garage door? Thankfully my dad turned his disappointment (and Mr. Borrow’s righteous indignation of the little pest next door) into a memorable father-son activity: he taught me how to replace a broken pane of glass. It was a great life-lesson to learn on how to appease an angry person and bring about the justification of a guilty one that he loved.

Do we ever take the time to realize that this is similar (on a much bigger and deadlier scale) to the predicament that our sin has placed us in? We are all of us guilty of damaging the life that God has given us responsibility for. We have desecrated His masterpiece; we have rebelled, transgressed, and severed His most loved possession from its life-sustaining source; we have turned what He loves the most into a disgusting mass of stinking, rotting filth. He hates sin so much that He has promised to punish it decisively by banishing it from His presence forever. So now we have become objects of His wrath (Romans 9:22; Ephesians 2:3).

But here’s the good news (gospel = good news): God loved us so much that He Himself came here as one of us, and has lived the life required by His holiness. As one of my teachers has said, “Jesus has offered up Himself in our place, and has turned God’s wrath away from us. Jesus put Himself in our place & let our sins be counted as His own. He bore the guilt of our sins and the consequent penalty which they deserve; He bore the wrath of God in our place satisfying the requirements of God’s law for us” (Jack Cottrell, God The Redeemer, p. 432-435).

Now all those who have been justified (declared “not guilty”) by His atoning sacrifice (applied through our obedience in baptism) have His continual help in getting rid of our sinful thoughts and actions – almost as an act of restitution/restoration. And now that we have been forgiven and God’s anger against us has been appeased we can be restored to His loving presence. Good news! Amazing grace!

So do this as quickly as possible:

            1. Give up your sinful ways and be baptized into Christ.

                        He will turn back God’s wrath from you;

                        He will pay the penalty for sin that you owe, but can’t pay.

            2. Strive from now on to imitate Jesus in all you think, say, and do.

                        He will help you clean up the mess sin has caused;

                        He will continue to keep you clean in God’s sight.

            3. Live being prepared and confident for when He returns for you.

                        He will protect you from the coming destruction;

                        He will take you home to live in your palace within God’s house.

Honor God’s love for you by applying Jesus’ selfless sacrifice to restore your soul.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Before and After Jesus

What do you think about those ads that show a person before and after using a certain product or going through a medical procedure? I knew someone who went through reconstructive jaw surgery. She was told to dress shabby, not to do her hair or even wear make-up, and no smiling for the before-picture. Then when the procedure went well, she was to primp herself, dress up, and smile big for the after-shot. It was a way to show future clients how much improved their looks (and/or lives) could be after taking advantage of their services. Not a bad sales ploy really. The funny thing is that this person didn’t have to look bad for the before-pic nor dress up for the after one. The end result was a marked, very noticeable improvement – no dress rehearsals or camera tricks were needed.

The same is true for your life before and after Jesus. When seen as it truly is, a sinner’s life is extremely dreary and dismal. Paul describes it vividly in Ephesians 2 (verses 1-3 and 11-12). Those outside of Christ are . . .
            Dead (spiritually) in transgressions and sin; enslaved to spiritual decay.
            Objects of God’s wrath: and He aims to punish sin.
            Separate from Christ: no possible rescue from sin.
            Excluded from citizenship in Israel: aliens / not invited.
            Foreigners to the covenants of the promise: no inheritance.
            Without hope: nothing to live for.
            Without God in the world: no hope to change your sad situation.
Not a pretty picture is it?

Jesus came to reverse these sorry effects. When He stated that He was the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26) He was in effect declaring to be the solution to the miserable results caused by our sin. We don’t have to live in such a dismal state. Now we have access to a much improved after-picture for our soul’s future.

The joys of being in Christ (the after-picture) are so obvious and noticeably superior. Paul describes the beauty, peace, and contentment that are ours after getting into Christ (Ephesians 2:4-10 and 13-22). Those in Christ are . . .
            Made alive: revived, energized, and cheerful.
            Seated with Christ: right next to God Himself.
            God’s workmanship: instruments of righteousness.
            Brought near to God: objects of His love and mercy.
            United with other believers: restoration of peace & harmony.
            Fellow citizens with God’s people: a meaningful existence.
            Members of God’s household: inheritors of God’s blessings.
            Dwelling place of God’s Spirit: He is always near.
A much nicer picture of things wouldn’t you say?

So where are you with Jesus; the before picture (dismal, hopeless, useless) or the after picture (peaceful, hopeful, useful)? It’s a wonderful blessing to be able to change your future outlook. That’s a result of God’s amazing grace which He provides to everyone through the atonement of Jesus. Recognize the miserable picture that develops from being outside of Him. Return and live for Him from now on in the after-picture of joy, peace, and contentment. He came here to this earth, suffered and died to remove your sin from you so that you could enjoy a renewed life.

Don’t let Him down. Come to Him today and be restored to new and improved life.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Resurrection Proves Everything

Jesus did something my grandmother told her grandchildren (and I would suppose her children too) never to do; He put all of His eggs into one basket. Jesus based all of His ministry, and purpose, His identity as Messiah, indeed His entire being, on one miracle; resurrection from the dead. His critics insisted that He answer for Himself and produce some kind of sign to prove His authority for His “radical” ideas and “disruptive” behavior. What’s maddening about their attitude is that Jesus had been publicly and visibly performing countless “signs”, “wonders”, and “mighty deeds” for a long time up to that point. What more did He need to do in order to satisfy them? Obviously they were of a mind that nothing he could do would be good enough.

So He at first responded with an accusation of their evil intent (wicked/sinful and adulterous/spiritually bankrupt – totally unwilling to listen to or accept any truth). But then He softened and probably for the sake of His favorable followers and those interested in learning and growing provided a sign. Referring to an incident involving the prophet Jonah, He created what he called the “sign of Jonah.” This would serve as a prediction of that one miracle that would prove everything about Him to be true (see Matthew 12:38-42).

You can envision His critics screwing up their faces trying to recall a “sign of Jonah” and muttering under their breath to each other asking if they had heard Him correctly. “Sign of Jonah?!?! Never heard of such a thing. What’s He getting at? He must be insane; a fraud. Forget Him, let’s get out of here.” Yet this would be among a long list of predictions that He would be raised from the dead after being three days and three nights in a tomb – similar to Jonah being in the fish’s belly for the same period of time.  And what’s funny (or sad) is that the Jews remembered this prediction (Matthew 28:63) and His disciples did not (Luke 24:6-7, 25-26).

In essence, what Jesus was saying by using this “sign” is: “If you don’t see me three days after my death, then you were right – I am a fraud. Carry on with your lives as you have been. But if I do come back to life after being in the tomb for three days and nights, then everything I’ve been doing and saying is the absolute truth and you’d better change your ways and get in line with God.”

Well we know the end result: after three days and nights in the tomb . . . He’s Alive!! No seal could keep the stone in place; no trained killers on guard duty could keep Him inside; no persecution and killing of His disciples could erase the fact that Jesus had raised from the dead – never to die again. He’s alive forever more.

Even now, from the church age on into eternity, resurrection is the central element of the faith. In fact, without resurrection Christianity has no meaning, no basis, no significance (1 Corinthians 15:12-18). God’s work of redemption is founded upon Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It was the means by which God proved His victory over sin. And our hope of resurrection to new life, eternal life with God, is now guaranteed to all of those who through baptism have died to sin, been with Christ and raised to new life. As Paul says, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Resurrection for those clothed with Christ is a certainty.

So which side of the fence are you on? The critic’s side that refuses to be satisfied with anything God has done to prove Himself true to you? If so, what is it that you’re looking for in life? You know nothing here lasts or provides everything you need; so why are you still hanging on to futility?

Or are you on Jesus’ side which appreciates the great sacrifice He suffered through to call you back to Himself? If so, give your life back to Him. Be baptized into Christ to wash away your sin and live from now on striving to imitate the example He has provided for you. You know He is the only way that leads to life – long after this one ends. He is the only answer to all of life’s questions.

Trust in His resurrection and anticipate your own so you can enjoy everlasting life. You’ve got nothing to lose by doing so; and everything to gain.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Jesus and Resurrection

            There are many conflicting and confusing teachings floating around today concerning Jesus’ return and final judgment.  This is unfortunate because the Bible provides plenty of information to help us get ready for it and to stay ready every day.  These instructions may not be as exciting and dramatic as many people seem to require, but they are sufficient.  And since we will all (righteous and unrighteous) participate personally in a resurrection of the dead (righteous to eternal reward; unrighteous to . . .), it serves us best to ensure that we understand and prepare for this great event.

First of all, Jesus WILL return one day (Matthew 24 & 25; John 14:3; Acts 1:11; 3:21; 1 Corinthians 15:23; Philippians 3:20; Colossians 3:4; 1 Thess. 2:19; 3:13; 4:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; 2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 9:28; Revelation 20:10).

Second, His return will be sudden and without warning “signs” (Matthew 24:36; Acts 1:6-7; 2 Peter 3:3-4).

Third, it will take place on a particular day – not on a sequence of many days (Acts 17:31).

Fourth, Jesus’ return will be a world-wide, public event – everyone will see it, hear it, recognize it and be involved in it (Matthew 24:26-30; Acts 1:11; 1 Cor. 1:7; 1Thessalonians 4:16).

Fifth, All Christians will be gathered to Jesus and protected from the evils of that day (1Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 7:1-3).

Sixth, Death and Evil will be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:22-28).

Seventh, time (as we know it) will end and the universe will be dissolved (2 Peter 3:1-14).

Eighth, a universal judgment of all who ever lived will occur (Matthew 25:31-32; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 11:18; 20:12-13); the evil ones will be cast away from God’s presence forever (Matthew 25:41, 46; Revelation 20:14-15) and the righteous will be brought into God’s presence for eternity (Matthew 25:34, 46; Revelation 21:27; 22:3-5).

            Paul considered the resurrection of Jesus (and later our own) as the foundational doctrine of the Christianity (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).  He states that Jesus’ resurrection proves the certainty of our own. He wrote of his joy and anticipation of this event. In his mind it was going to be such a thrill that he just couldn’t wait (Philippians 3:10-11).

            Let’s take our cue from Paul and work to prepare for Jesus’ return as soon as possible so that we too can participate in good result of that great event (resurrection to life in heaven with God).  God promises that those who put on Christ in baptism (Romans 6:5; Galatians 3:27) and continue to live with Him in holiness (1 John 1:7) will be spared from all of the terrible and frightening events of the bad result of this sure resurrection (eternal banishment from God – hell).  Get into Jesus, live for Him daily, and be ushered right into His presence when it’s your turn for resurrection.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Restore and Sustain

Isn’t it amazing that God had the solution to man’s sin problem the moment (or possibly before the moment) the first humans fell to Satan’s deceptions?  With the curse upon the serpent for its part in that tragic event (Genesis 3:14-15) He provided the first prophecy of Jesus’ atonement – the answer for overcoming our rebellion and restoring us to the loving relationship He created us for. Sin separates profane souls from the Holy God (death in biblical terminology implies a separation away from; it doesn’t mean cease to exist as English – and Satan – define it: see Genesis 3:4; Romans 7:7-25). As soon as our souls began to rot due to our severing ourselves from His life-giving, life-sustaining source, He began the process of soul-restoration. Otherwise there would be no possibility for Him to be able to sustain our life with Him.

So all of the biblical material following Genesis 3 describes how God prepared mankind and brought about the remedy that restores and sustains lost souls in a justified (“not guilty”) state before Him. All throughout the Scriptures He clearly depicts His passion to bring about the restoration of our damaged, broken souls. He visualized His desire to do this through the various miracles He empowered His faithful servants to perform. These signs and mighty works proved His power and ability to undo the tragic effects of our sin. Healing diseases, handicaps, and bodily ailments; manipulating the natural elements; driving out demons (Satan); raising the dead; these all foreshadowed God’s longing to restore and sustain sinful human’s lives.

Jesus even proclaimed that the whole purpose for His coming to the earth was to reverse the curse(s) of sin. He is quoted in John 11:25: “I am the resurrection (restoration) and the life (sustaining force). He who (continually) believes (faiths) in me will live (continually), even though he dies (physically).” Thus He explains His mission as a “Restore and Sustain” operation. His life, loving service, and selfless sacrifice on Calvary is THE remedy for sin and THE source of eternal life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

Can you find a better description of “Amazing Grace”? He went through a lot of trouble and expended an inordinate amount of energy, and surrendered His whole life because He loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). He did all this to prove how desperately He desires to be together with you in harmony – forever! Can you see how deeply He feels about you?

In light of all this, the pertinent question now is: “How do you feel about Him?”

            Do you love Him enough to be born again through baptism so He can restore your
sin-sick soul? (John 3:5; Romans 6:3-5; Galatians 3:26-27)

            Do you love Him enough to murder your sinful ways so that He can sustain your life for all eternity? (Romans 8:12-14)

            Do you love Him enough to commit to helping Him complete His “Restore and Sustain” mission? (Matthew 28:19-20)
