I have been asked many times if I think the Ten
Commandments are supposed to be followed by Christians today. I think the reason people want to know is
because they desire to do everything God wants them to. I don’t want to think that they have the same
mindset as the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) who only wanted to
know in order to soothe his conscience.
My answer is to have them read these principles with me and discuss the
reason God had Moses record them in stone (see Exodus 20:17). For a more in-depth study on these see, The
Sinai Summit, by Rick Atchley:
“You shall have no other gods before
me.” God must be our first and only
“You shall not make for yourself an
idol . . .” You change to fit God; don’t try to make
God fit your idea of Him.
“You shall not misuse the name of
the LORD your God.” Don’t use God’s name
as an expletive; respect God and His
“Remember the Sabbath day . . .” Set
aside time to spend with God and His people.
“Honor your father and mother.” Respect authority and make family a priority.
“You shall not murder.” Respect the sanctity of human life.
“You shall not commit
adultery.” Keep sex within the
guidelines God designed for it.
“You shall not steal.” Keep material things in their proper place
and perspective.
“You shall not give false
testimony.” Always tell the truth.
“You shall not covet . . .” Be
content with what God has blessed you with.
So, what do you think?
When understanding the principle guiding each commandment, are there any
that God would want us to do away with today?
Jesus and the apostles not only encouraged all of these principles, they
improved upon them. Now we must not hate
our brother, or look at a woman with lust in our hearts, or just devote one day
to spend with God. As Christians we
have committed ourselves to living according to God’s design every moment of
every day - not because it is commanded - or to make Him happy. But because you’re maturing to the point
where you want to do what is right.