Saturday, December 27, 2014

Time for Father

Time is the most interesting thing in God’s creation.  You can’t stop it, you can’t store it up in a container, and you can’t make it go backward.  Time just keeps marching on.

Our culture is so consumed with time.  We schedule so much of our day that it seems we run out of time.  We live according to IPhones, IPads, and Daily Planners.  Some hire professionals to help them learn how to manage their time so they can fit in all they need to do and have a few moments to do what they want to do.  Sadly, it isn’t working.

The results are tragic.  Families are disintegrating because they’re not given enough of our time.  The roadways are crammed with impatient drivers needing to get to the next item on their agenda.  People themselves are slowly losing their sanity because they’re trying to do too much with what little time they have.  Too many have snapped and have become dangerous and violent (as Paul predicted – Romans 1:28-32).

Is this any way to live?  Can this be the abundant life Jesus longed to provide for us (John 10:10)?  Is there an answer to our time-crunch dilemma?  Yes a very simple one.  I saw a bumper sticker the other day that bore a reminder that will help.  It read, Let go and let God.”  That simple, yet soothing assertion sums it all up; now if only we would take the time to try it.  Saying it is one thing; agreeing to it is one thing; posting it so others can read it is one thing; thinking it an awesome thought is one thing; Doing / Practicing it is quite another.

Heed the words of the shepherd: “He makes me lie down in green pastures” (Psalm 23:2).  Life gets out of hand when we get too busy and occasionally our loving Father steps in and allows a family crisis, or an illness, or a job loss; something that forces us to stop the madness and reflect on our relationships; they need our time, not these other things.  Lives are only put back in order when we stop and put God back into them where He belongs.  This is one of the reasons He made the Sabbath Day holy.  He knew that we would get caught up with life, forget Him and try to go it alone.  It’s sad though that He had to command its observance.  And if you’re honest, you know that one day a week isn’t enough; to have the wherewithal to fight sin and stay on the road to holiness you need a daily dose of healthy God-time.

Look at your schedules, calendars and appointments.  Do you see God anywhere in there?  If not, it’s no wonder you’re harried and ready to collapse.  Surely there is something you can set aside to allow more time for what really matters (prayer, worship, relief effort, family & friends, Scripture, meditation).  Try Letting go of those things that restrict holiness and Letting God transport you to a richer, fuller, more rewarding life with Him. He promises to bless you for the attempt – and you will be amazed at how much more fulfilling and enjoyable and less stressed your life can be.


Friday, December 19, 2014

He Did It!

     Isn’t it exciting to finish an enormous task?  When you complete a job to perfection don’t you want to rejoice and share your joy with others?  Finishing a hard job brings a sense of satisfaction.  It’s only natural that a person would want to celebrate.

     However, there come other times when the task has been difficult and plagued by many setbacks and disappointments.  In this case, the end of the project is welcomed with a sigh of relief.  Most people just want to sit back, get comfortable, and enjoy a moment of rest and relaxation.  Satisfaction comes from knowing that you did your best.  

    This second example is what I understand to be the case with Jesus when He uttered those famous words from the cross:  It is finished” (John 19:30).  After saying these words (only 1 word in the original language), He drifted away into eternity.  No excitement.  No parades.  No trophies.  No celebration.  An earthquake, yes.  A torn veil, yes.  Dead bodies walking around, yes.  But no dancing in the streets.  Only Satan and his forces were having fun.

     Yet three days later . . . He’s alive!  He did it!  Satan and his forces are destroyed!  So let the festivities begin!

     The disciples came to life.  Their leader had risen from the dead, never more to die!  The promise of doing the same for them offered renewed hope.  They weren’t the same bunch of guys.  Jesus brought salvation/rescue from sin; a real cause for celebrating.

     How is it, then, that many Christians aren’t “jumping for joy” and celebrating?  I wonder.  Jesus took our place and bore our punishment and shame so that we could go free and live an abundant life.  This was His reason for coming and He did it to perfection (John 17:4).  Shouldn’t His disciples be rejoicing? 

     We need to be happy that God has offered salvation to anyone who by faith puts on Christ (Galatians 3:27).  So feel the relief.  Share it with someone.  As a man stuck in a dark, smelly dungeon once said, “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4).


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Come What May

            Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”    (Habakkuk 3:17-18)


            God calls for disciples who persevere no matter what. In the verse above, the prophet had just received word from God that his entire world was just about to be destroyed by an enemy invader (Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon). Will his faith be able to endure it? Will he continue to trust in God? From his own words we can see that he had the basis needed to succeed come what may.

            You see, faith means trusting in God regardless of the circumstances. And these were dire circumstances indeed. The Bible is a collection of stories and examples of people experiencing life with and without God. Those whose faith endured through seemingly unbearable episodes were enabled to accomplish amazing things. They are the heroes of the faith that we honor. A good example is Queen Esther who acted on behalf of her people who were being oppressed and in danger of being annihilated. She, herself was enjoying great luxury and was oblivious to the threat at hand. When Mordecai urged her to use her position and influence to alter the outcome, she refused. Unwilling to risk her life by barging in on her husband the king, she had to be prodded to consider the strength of her faith. Did God place her there for her own comfort and ease? Or was she in place to assist God in bringing about a great salvation (4:12-14)? She chose to put her faith in God and act on the Jews’ behalf and let come what may; “If I perish, I perish” she concluded (4:16). And God rescued His people in astounding fashion.

            Could you say and do the same if you were left totally destitute or if your life was on the line? Would you be able to keep your faith in God and press on no matter what happens?

            It’s important to pause often and consider; how strong is your commitment to Christ?

                        Will it endure a bad economy?

                        Can it withstand financial hardships?

                        Will it survive a devastating health crisis?

                        Can it carry on if you lose everything you own?

                        Will it outlast the loss of a loved one?

            Or does your loyalty to God demand certain “perks”?

                        Good health; Good kids; A good-paying job; A nice home, etc.

            Reality Check:

            (1) God doesn’t owe you any of these things. They are blessings/gifts He bestows generously as He sees fit. All you need is His grace (2 Corinthians 12:9).

            (2) He isn’t punishing you if He chooses not to bless you with them. He knows what you need and what you can handle much more than you do (1 Corinthians 10:13).

            God’s kingdom can best be advanced when His disciples trust Him to deliver no matter what happens. His power and might are best seen when He rescues from situations that are most dismal. There is a lost world out there needing and seeking God’s rescue. Will your faith endure so that this can be accomplished? It definitely will if you keep the end in mind (heaven) and trust God to carry you through each day come what may.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Joy of God’s Salvation

                One of Satan’s potent weapons that he uses against us is distraction.  And he uses it very effectively.  He knows that all he has to do is get me to look around at the things of this world and off of my goal and I become easy prey for discouragement or pride or apostasy.  Therefore, every so often I find it necessary to stop what I’m doing and take an inventory of my life.  Similar to the words of a popular hymn: “Count Your Blessings.”

            In Psalm 51:12, David makes a special request of God.  This is after he was confronted with his sin with Bathsheba.  David asks God to restore to him the joy of God’s salvation.  And I began to wonder how encouraging it would be to write down all I can think of that encompasses the joy of God’s salvation.

Since space here is limited I’ve listed my favorites:
   Our sins are forgiven.
   We are adopted as children of God.
   We are co-heirs with Christ.
            God’s Spirit is our counselor, guide, companion, etc.
            We have the hope of eternal life.
            We no longer have to fear death or what lies beyond.
   We are gaining a better understanding of God’s Word.
   We are in a growing relationship with God.
   We have help when facing trials and temptations.
   We have peace of mind in a confused world.
            We are loved and can now show others true love.
   We have been reconciled to God through Christ.
   We have the privilege of helping God save souls.

            Wow, I could go on but I hope you can see that there is much more to be joyful about in our salvation than just forgiveness of sin.  God has done so much to help us improve our lives here and now as well as for later on in heaven.  So, in order to combat Satan’s weapon of distraction, take a time out and list the joys of His salvation.

            Doing so helps to regain our focus.  Listing the blessings makes the problems of life seem very small indeed.  This is exactly what Satan is hoping we will avoid doing.  And it’s what God continually encourages us to do (Hebrews 12:2).