Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Light of Christ

            The Bible uses many different symbols in order to teach spiritual truths.  Numbers, colors, animals, etc. all depict an attitude or natural event, or type of catastrophe.  God inspires these words and phrases in order to impress an unforgettable impression upon the reader’s mind.

            One special use of imagery is the contrast between light and darkness.  Light, being the first thing God spoke into existence, depicts righteousness and godliness.  As light enables us to see the obstacles in our way so as to avoid them, following God’s decrees of holiness guide us so that we do not stumble and fall into sin (see Psalm 119:105).  Light is also an essential element needed by living things for healthy growth.  Jesus and God’s Word are symbolized as light because our souls need them in order to mature spiritually.  And light brings comfort from our fears because we are able to see things as they really are – there’s nothing to fear when we are objects of God’s love.

            Darkness, on the other hand, depicts evil, deceit, deception and loneliness.  Without light, it is difficult to maneuver through life without tripping over the temptations that are in our path.  We are deprived of the energy (or information) needed to succeed because darkness hides the true path.  And darkness is used to conceal traps, immorality, ignorance and all kinds of evil.  Lives are full of envy, fear and violence because so many spend too much time in darkness.

            Jesus came to bring enlightenment, illumination, brightness and radiance to our lives.  He was (and still is) the embodiment of everything symbolized by the concept of light.  This is why some of His greatest works and miracles involved restoring sight to the blind.  He came from heaven to earth to show us the way to the Father; to remove our spiritual darkness and fill us with His wonderful light.  We no longer have to guess and feel our way through life.  All that’s required is to follow His glory (light) through all of the dangers, toils, temptations and fears we face.  He came to brighten the pathway into Heaven.

       Don’t be like the religious leaders who refused to “see” Jesus for who He truly was.  Their minds were darkened with selfish ambition, greed, jealousy, and preconceived notions.  The same will happen today if we get distracted from living for Him and begin serving ourselves. 

       Come into the Light of Christ.  “See” the wonderful blessings God has in store for you.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jesus, The I AM

     The Gospel of John records Jesus claiming deity (or equality with God) more than 23 times!  One such time is recorded in John 8:58 where He comes right out and uses the name God claimed for Himself at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14): I Am Who I Am. Scholars believe it was probably pronounced Yahweh (Latin is Jehovah) and most likely referred to His eternal nature. It seems to be the past, present, and future tense for the verb “to be; to exist.” At any rate, the crowd’s reaction proves that He claimed equality with God – they tried to stone Him to death for blasphemy.

     John wrote his gospel (and later his NT letters) so that we would come to know Jesus as God in the flesh (see 20:31).  His account of Jesus’ life includes 7 “I AM” statements by Jesus:
(1)   “I AM the bread of life” (6:35-51) – He is true nourishment for the soul.
(2)   “I AM the light of the world” (8:12) – He illumines the way to God.
(3)   “I AM the door of the sheep pen” (10:7-9) – He provides our safety and security.
(4)   “I AM the good shepherd” (10:11-14) – He cares for all of our needs.
(5)   “I AM the resurrection and the life” (11:25) – He creates and sustains life.
(6)   “I AM the way, truth, life” (14:6) – The only way to God is through Him.
(7)   “I AM the true vine” (15:1-5) – One must abide in Him in order to survive.

     So important is this teaching for the church, that John says anyone who won’t believe and teach others that Jesus was God in the flesh is to be considered “anti (opposed to) Christ” (1 John 4:2-3;  2 John 9).  Jesus’ claims for deity are foundational for our faith.  If He was just a human, He would have only 1 life to give.  However, being a divine, infinite being, He has an infinite number of lives to give.  And that means anyone who chooses to take advantage of His wonderful blessings of salvation is able to do so. Scripture closes with the most personal invitation anyone can offer: “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelation 22:17)

     Therefore, thank God for loving you so much that He chose to leave heaven and come here to solve your sin problem (Philippians 2:6-7).  He did it all as a service for all mankind. Just as the 7 statements He makes in John’s Gospel are to show us, Jesus’ mission and purpose was, and continues to be to provide for everything that our souls need – nourishment, enlightenment, safety & security, attention & care, eternal life, the way back to God, and our life-line to God.

     Connect with Him daily. As the Great I AM, He alone can provide what you really need in life (now and forever). His main desire is to care for you and to continue to lead you toward your heavenly home. Live for Him every moment of your life in praise of His wonderful mercy and in gratefulness for His truly amazing grace.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Healthy & Clean

       You’ve no doubt heard the phrase, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” many times.  A lot of people, in fact, believe this statement comes from the Bible (which it doesn’t).  What this saying teaches, though, is that cleanliness is important.  Everyone understands our need to be clean in order to present ourselves in a good light as well as promoting good health.

Many of God’s instructions in the Old Testament dealt with the concept of cleanliness.  But they didn’t refer to the physical as much as being a visible way of enforcing the idea of being spiritually clean.  The clean and unclean rules were used for food to be eaten or avoided, diseases that might have been infectious, thoughts that led to sin or idolatrous practices, attitudes that influenced hatred and rebellion towards God; it’s a very lengthy list. 

God’s instructions in these cases weren’t meant to test obedience as much as they were designed to teach the difference between being sinful (dirty) and holy (clean).  He wanted to ensure that His people were different from the surrounding cultures; different in a spiritual as well as physical way. 

The principles behind these lessons were carried over into the New Testament and given a spiritual application as being filled with God’s goodness and being cleansed from our sin through the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross.  This is what I think He is referring to when He discusses “living” water (John 4:10, 14). As water is necessary to sustain your physical life and health, so Jesus is the necessary substance for sustaining your spiritual life (soul) and health. Notice too how John mentions that the River of Life flows from the throne of God (Revelation 22:1-5). Jesus is that life-giving, life-sustaining element that both nourishes and cleanses/purifies.

There are many passages from Jesus and the Apostles that speak of His atoning sacrifice as being a washing, or cleansing, or purifying of the soul.  What began with 3000 faithful on the Day of Pentecost (following Jesus’ resurrection) continues to the present day whenever a person’s faith in God / Christ leads them to be buried with Him in baptism (Romans 6:3-5).  Their sins are washed away and they stand before God holy and clean.  And from that moment on, the blood of Christ continues to cleanse from sins and continues to nourish as His disciple grows in faith and becomes more and more like Him. 

By remaining faithful in our hearts and minds and by striving daily to be rid of sin, God Himself helps us to “clean up” the mess and stains that sin leaves behind. Jesus says that God’s word has made us clean (John 15:3) through our faith which motivates us to obey Him and live in holiness. 

So, are you thirsty? Do you need some cleansing?  Come to God and allow Him to fill you with Himself. He promises to help you clean up the mess of sin and live every day in joy and gladness for being His beloved child.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A New Kind of Love

     During the last night that Jesus spent with His disciples, a few memorable events took place.  We remember that Jesus washed feet, instituted the Lord’s Supper, told about the coming Counselor (or Comforter) and reminded the disciples that He was soon to leave them.  They, of course, didn’t have a clue as to what He was talking about.  So they were very frustrated and uneasy; not at all the festive occasion that the Passover should have been.

     One of the things, however, still remains very puzzling.  Jesus gave them what He called a “new” commandment.  They were to love one another (John 13:34).  What?  But that’s not new.  God has expressed this “command” all throughout Scripture (see Leviticus 19:18).  How can Jesus call this a “new” command? 

     Actually, to understand what Jesus means, you have to finish His statement.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  Now we can see what is new.  Jesus is the standard, the example to imitate in our showing love to others.  He gave everything - including His life - to demonstrate God’s love for each one of us.  He loves even those who hate Him and enjoy sinning and persecuting His people.  He left the glory of heaven to express God’s love for everyone which is without bounds or limits (Philippians 2:5-11).  And His command is that we show this same kind of love to all of those around us every day.  This will be our trademark; the way others will notice that we are His disciples (John 13:35).

     Isn’t it sad that we will stick out like a sore thumb when we show Jesus’ kind of love to others?  The world is so full of hatred and apathy and selfishness and competition that when we act like Jesus we are put on public display.  Yet this is exactly what God has called each of us to do for Him in this dark world.

     Are you ready to lead the way for this kind of love?  Are you willing to fulfill this commandment for Jesus?  We really don’t have a choice here.  It HAS to be done.  Jesus has already shown you how to do it.  Trust Him to help you succeed at it.