Saturday, January 18, 2014

Who Is This God?

     While recently reading the account of the Exodus, one thought became very clear.  Those Egyptians got a first rate education on just who the One true God really is.  He was no one to mess with.  He was a God that was going to do whatever He wanted to do!
     Then I started to realize something else.  God’s own people, the Israelites got an education too.  They had been in Egypt for 400 some years and really didn’t know God except for the stories they passed on by word of mouth.  So, what do you suppose the Israelites found out from watching God defeat the Egyptians?  

     God is the great  liberator.  He is in the business of setting His people free (from sin).
     God is the great provider.  He loves to bless His people with everything they need.
     God is the great teacher.  He desires His people to know Him and to live righteously.
     God is infinite (power, position and knowledge).  He wants to be with His people to
help them always.
     Most of all, God is the great I Am.  There is no other God but Him.

     Now do you suppose that these lessons learned by the Egyptians and Israelites were for them only?  Do we learn anything about God from these stories?  Oh yes.  What we read in Exodus - Deuteronomy is reemphasized many times over by Jesus and His Apostles all throughout the New Testament.  God still provides all these blessings today.  He not only sees to our physical needs, He is capable of handling our emotional needs and our spiritual needs.  

     So what are you leaning about this God in your own life?  Is He your God or has He been replaced with other, inferior & false ones?  Is your confidence in His ability to handle everything you need or do you rely on yourself / someone else to resolve your problems?  Can your God do anything at any time or just when you think you need Him to?  What kind of a God do others recognize by watching Him defeat the weaknesses in your life?

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