Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fruit Producers

Paul’s discussion on the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is in direct response to those who think that God is pleased by our following rules precisely.  His main contention throughout the letter is that what pleases God the most are deeds motivated by our faith (see Romans 1:5).  More correctly, when we do the right thing because it is the right thing to do (works performed that go unnoticed by human eyes, but are obvious only to God, the Father - Matthew 6:4, 6, 18); these are what God is looking for.
What makes the Fruit of the Spirit superior is that they can’t be measured or regulated by laws and rules, yet everyone knows they are the ultimate in proper behavior:
Love (agape) does what is right regardless of what others know or think.
Joy is being grateful for God’s blessings.
Peace is knowing we have a close relationship with the Father.
Patience is the result of wisdom being calm with whatever happens in life.
Kindness is the soul’s ability to imitate its Creator.
Goodness is a heart that is striving to be pure.
Faithfulness shows that our commitment is focused on Christ.
Gentleness is the sign of a contented spirit.
Self-control proves that God is truly at work in our lives.
Can you imagine any government enacting laws against any of these?  Doesn’t common sense tell you that to do so would be destructive to any society?  And can you also see why these are to be practiced under the guidance of God’s Spirit?  No human can continue in these without divine help.  They may be practiced by many from time to time, but eventually the human spirit wearies and “burns out” trying to keep them going.  Only with the strength God provides can anyone persevere and grow in these qualities for the duration of their lives.
Commit anew today to weaning off of rules, regulations, laws, traditions and any man-made practices which only produce tension and arguments and divisive feelings.  Grow in your production of Spiritual Fruit under the empowering guidance of God’s Spirit.

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