Friday, March 21, 2014

God’s Breaking Point

       All of us reach a breaking point in life when we realize that something has to be done and harmful, destructive thoughts or behaviors can no longer go on as before.  These times usually bring out emotions or characteristics that we would rather not show.  From a human perspective, these are times when self-control suffers or is lost all together.  So it’s downright frightening to think that God would ever reach a breaking point.  But the Bible shows that there were times when He did; times when His people pushed Him to His breaking point.  And because of His love, He was forced to punish their ill behavior, because He could no longer bear what their rebellion was doing to their souls.
       Just a few of the examples of God reaching His breaking point include the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 19); the Israelites refusing to enter Canaan (Numbers 14); David’s sin with Bathsheba and Uriah (2 Samuel 12); Solomon’s idolatry (1 Kings 11); Israel’s spiritual adultery (2 Kings 17); Judah’s spiritual adultery (Jeremiah 52);  even Jesus reached His breaking point with the atrocities practiced by the religious leaders of His day (Matthew 23).
Learn this from these biblical stories:  God loves you so much that He will not sit idly by while you destroy your life.  He cares so much that He will act – and usually in a drastic way.  When He finally reaches these breaking points in your life, expect Him to discipline you so strongly that you’re encouraged to give up your harmful thoughts and behaviors.   He isn’t being mean; like the writer of Hebrews says, “He is treating you as sons” (12:4-11).  He wants to improve you.  And if it means making you question His love or even lash out against Him, so be it.  He will do everything possible to bring you to your spiritual senses.
Trust in the fact that the last thing God wants is to cut you out of the vine (John 15:2).  His desire for each one of us is that we abide with Him forever.  Don’t push Him to the breaking point.  The Greatest Command is intended to keep you on track and in God’s good graces for eternity – where He wants you to be.  So be sure to follow where He leads, bring others along with you and enjoy the blessings that only He can bring into your life.

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