Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lost and Found

                It’s a frightening thing to be lost.  Just the word itself (lost) sounds lonely, cold and dreadful.  Just thinking about the possibility of being lost creates feelings of fear and anxiety. 
            The Bible uses this word to refer symbolically to those outside of Christ.  It describes an existence totally void of God and His good graces.  Luke 15 records three parables of Jesus that portray 4 different ways people can become lost and God’s desire for them to be found. 
            1.  Some wander away (the sheep) - verses 1-7.  The sheep was lost because it became distracted and was enticed by something outside of the shepherd’s care.  People also become distracted and enticed by the things of this world and follow selfish desires that put them in danger of predators.  But God searches diligently and then celebrates the return of those who were lost.
            2.  Some are lead astray by the carelessness of others (the coin) - verses 8-10.  The coin was misplaced by someone who was distracted with other cares.  People also become lost when others hurt their feelings or get distracted tending to other things.  God expends are great deal of time and energy to find what was lost and, again, celebrates its return.
            3.  Some walk away (the younger son) - verses 11-24.  The younger son chose to leave the father thinking that life had better things to offer.  Many go through life thinking God’s way is too harsh or boring; that they can do better on their own.  However, they soon find that life cannot deliver on what it promises.  Fortunately, the loving father was waiting to restore him. 
            4.  Some are just plain mistaken/deceived (the older son) - verses 25-32.  Sadly the older son thought he was saved by working hard and making the father happy.  But he had no relationship with the father.  There are those today who think God is pleased with their performance, but do nothing to build a relationship with Him (see Matthew 7:21-23).  What they find in the end is that God is longing for their love in return, as well as their works of service.
Do any of these conditions describe your situation?  Have you wandered off, or feel you’ve been neglected?  Are you away from the Father by choice?  Or do you “think” you’re ok and placing your security in the practice of rituals and/or services?  Just remember one thing about our awesome God: it’s never too late to be “found” and restored to a loving relationship.  So put all of your attention on Him A.S.A.P.  He and His angels are longing to rejoice at your return.

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