Saturday, October 11, 2014

Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

Job was truly a remarkable man.  God even says so (Job 1:1, 8 & 2:3).  After losing every kind of blessing (including his health), he refused to whine, complain or blame God.  Even when his wife and friends turned against him.

The book of Job stands out among all of the biblical writings as much for what it says as for what it doesn’t say.  Job’s reply to the tragedies he endured is still relevant for us today – if we take his attitude to heart and imitate his example of faith (see 1:21).

Naked I came from my mother’s womb,”

We are dependent upon God for every need in life.

And naked I shall depart.”

When we leave this life, we only take our integrity and character with us.

The LORD gave

Everything we have in this life is a gift and blessing; not a right – God owes us nothing!

And the LORD has taken away;”

      Since everything belongs to Him, He has the right to do with it all as He pleases.

Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

      Our relationship with God is to be our first priority in all things.

            The questions posed in this book still cause problems for us today.  Fortunately in the New Testament age we benefit from God’s answer to this issue.  Why do the righteous suffer?  Just look at Christ on the cross and see the suffering of the only really innocent person.  Can our troubles, trials and sufferings compare with what He endured at Calvary?  In His sufferings we see a God who cares so much for us that He willingly bore the whole stinking mass of human sin and suffering.  For it is in Jesus Christ that the greatest sufferings this world can experience (betrayal, torture and death) provide us with the ultimate blessings (forgiveness of sin and the gift of God’s continual presence - Acts 2:38).

            So the next time you’re tempted to blame God and ask, “Why”, remember His promise to be with you through it all.  And keep in mind the mansion He has prepared for you in the next life that will be free from all of the evils in this life.


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