Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jesus Rules!

            “What is wrong with people today?”  “How can someone plant a bomb and kill hundreds of innocent people?”  “How can a mother take the life of her own child?”  “How can two people who say they love each other be so cruel to one another?”  I hear these and other questions all the time.  I’ve often asked them myself.  I call these “why” questions.  The answers that go with them are “I don’t know” answers, because only God knows the reasons.
            The only explanation that makes sense to me is that, for many people, God’s principles are out-of-date, impractical and irrelevant.  His people, due to mixing their religion with cultural norms and biases, have perverted the truth about Him so that whatever makes them feel good or bad becomes the standard for right and wrong.  The doubters, God-haters, and social critics consider Christians and their religion to be promoters of bigotry, hatred, violence, and misinformation. And, honestly, who can blame them when those who claim the Name live opposite of what He stands for?
            So it should be obvious why all of these frightening things are happening.  Satan rules in the lives of most people!  Who else can cause so much hatred and chaos?
            Somehow these people (whether in Christ or out) have to be convinced to replace the Deceiver (lies) with their original Ruler (truth); the One they recklessly traded away because they couldn’t see how the Bible applies to their lives today or because it doesn’t affirm their feel-good belief-system or their comfort-zone laziness.  They have to be convinced that God’s principles and Jesus’ teachings make sense and work in every aspect of 21st century living – even if it causes the majority to rise up against them and publicly ridicule them, or to categorize them as “billy-goat herders,” and unenlightened, closed-minded and judgmental hypocrites.  We must all come to understand that God’s way is the only way if we are to get rid of these distressing acts of crime and violence.  And fortunately we have the very thing we need to accomplish this.  God and His Word: the only thing that can defeat Satan.
            The Apostle Peter says it this way; “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:3, 4).
            Notice that we get this power through knowledge.  That means Bible study – not just a cursory reading or storing up trivial facts.  And especially not allowing someone else to tell us what it says or means. We personally must gain the knowledge necessary to use God’s power and effectively teach others so that they also may be able to use it to escape from the Deceiver. 
            By participating in the divine nature (acting like Jesus) we can let the world know that Jesus rules! This is the only way to be free of the effects of Satan’s rules. But it’s going to take total commitment. It will mean being willing to stand against the ridicule, slander, name-calling, and ostracizing that is sure to come. For those who choose to put God first in this way, remember that you are blessed and have a better place to look forward to than your irreligious critics do. And for those who try to avoid the negativity that loyalty to Christ generates, just remember who you will have to be spending an eternity in turmoil with.
            Make doubly sure that Jesus rules in your life, not public opinion. Get to know Him better day by day through personal experience and practice regardless how others around you choose to live.  And look forward to a comfortable eternity of being free from the troubles, chaos, and hatred caused by those who have chosen Satan’s rule.

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