Saturday, May 2, 2015

Shutting Down Satan

The devil goes by many different names and titles: Satan (the adversary), Beelzebub (literally “the lord of the flies”), the evil one, the tempter, the father of lies, the prince of darkness, etc.  All of them are a means to teach us how the enemy tries to work in our lives.  Yet, even though we know all of this about him, the devil has been very successful at getting away with his malicious plans against us.  Why do you think that is?  Well for one, we keep falling for the same deceptions over and over again.  For another, we like what he has to say and what he suggests to us.  But most of all, I think we continue to fall for the same garbage because we haven’t been serious at shutting him down in our minds.

We have to admit, as Paul did, that we know what he’s up to (2 Cor. 2:11).  His usual devices are doubt (when we have access to divine truth), discouragement (when we are to trust and be patient), distractions (to keep us off track), moral defeats (to cause a delay when we are to be active) and countless others.

And we know that he will use the direct approach (ridicule, teasing or physical abuse) or he will work through those around us (friends, family, co-workers), or he’ll work covertly by pretending to be a friend until we give in (wolf in sheep’s clothing – Mt. 7:15).  He tried to attack Jesus in these very same ways.  And it would do us well to acknowledge his persistence at stalking us as his prey (1 Pet. 5:8).

What is needed is for every child of God to go on the offensive against this belligerent piece of trash.  As Jude urges, we need to actively “contend for the faith” in order to defeat him.  He won’t go peaceably; he will not show mercy; he does not negotiate terms.  We need to learn to shut him down.

Take your example of how to do this from Jesus and His apostles. 

(1)            Use God’s power to overcome him (James 4:7).  Pray continually; Know God’s Word so you can use it to defeat the devil and his henchmen (Mt 4; 22 and John 8).

(2)            Quit dwelling on past events (good or bad).  They’re gone and they’re useless to you now (Php. 3:1-15).

(3)            “Murder” your sin (Rom. 8:13); don’t give the devil any leverage (Eph. 4:26-27).

(4)            Live each day trusting in the One who holds your life firmly in His hands. Trust that He will never let go of you.


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