Saturday, September 12, 2015

The [Narrow] Road

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”  (Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken)

These are the closing lines of a classic poem written by Robert Frost. It has inspired many to strike out in a new direction; an attempt to not follow along with the crowd. Funny really, because in his own words, Frost says he wrote the poem as “a gentle mocking of indecision, particularly the indecision that Edward Thomas [his friend] had shown on their many walks together” (Hollis, Matthew (2011-07-29). "Edward Thomas, Robert Frost and the road to war". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 8 August 2011). Another writes that Frost’s friend Thomas “was a person who, whichever road he went, would be sorry he didn’t go the other” (The Road Not Taken"., Inc. Retrieved 2015-06-13).

And that sounds a lot like me: I appreciate the blessings God has brought my way and the memorable experiences and lessons I’ve learned along the way. But I have often wondered how life might have turned out for me if I had gone to another college, or taken another job offer, or if I had settled in a different town. Would I have been happy or miserable with the other choice? It’s difficult to really know for sure, because life doesn’t offer “mulligans” so that we can go back and replay our past experiences. I am left to trust that God not only has led me in a blessed way, but that He has also corrected my bad choices so that I can continue to be blessed (I trust in Romans 8:28 for that belief).

I am confident that God offers many good choices for many of the decisions I am called on to make in life. But I am also confident that when it comes to choosing the path for my soul’s final destination, I don’t have to fret over multiple choices. The Scriptures are clear that there is only 1 right choice to be made. I can choose the way that the majority has taken or “the road less traveled.” Jesus urges His disciples to continue to choose the narrow path; the one that leads to life; the one that only a few find (Matthew 7:13-14). Notice the word find: it takes a constant, conscious effort to keep choosing His [one] way. The benefit is that you never have to wonder whether or not you’ve made the right choice – it’s the only way that leads to life. Jesus is the only way (path/avenue/life-journey) that leads back to the Father (John 14:6). The reason this is so is because He’s the only one that has been both places. He’s the only one that has experienced this kind of journey. Therefore, He’s the only trustworthy guide to follow if you want to make it home to Father safe and sound.

I don’t know about you but knowing this puts my mind at ease. Rather than feeling offended that He offers such a narrow-minded, inflexible, and old-fashioned means, I’m comforted that I don’t have to go through life wondering if the “roads” I’ve taken will get me home in the end. Since God is steadfast and immoveable and perfect, I can trust that He provides a way (one) that is perfect for all persons of all time. There’s no guess work, no plan to figure out, no puzzle to solve; only surety, peace of mind, and confident expectation of His promised reward.

And it’s all wrapped up into a neat and simple package that anyone (gender, age, race, intelligence level, etc.) can take advantage of. Just get into Jesus (through baptism – Galatians 3:26-29) and stay there (through right living – 1 John 1:7). So take the “road less traveled” (offered by and in Jesus Christ). It truly will make all the difference – all the difference in the world.


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