Saturday, January 23, 2016

Tested by God

            “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”                            Psalm 139:23-24

            That was a v-e-r-y dangerous request that David made. What was he thinking? Did he really want God to look so closely at his life (not like God knew everything about him intimately already)? Did he really want his offenses (sins) pointed out to him? The answers to all of these are, “Yes” he did. His faith was strong enough for him to realize (1) that God was going to be merciful and kind, not condescending and demeaning, (2) that sin is truly evil and toxic to true happiness and contentment, and (3) that he would never be free spiritually as long his sins remained unrecognized and unanswered for. Check out David’s Psalms of repentance (32, 51) and note how stressed and ashamed he was before dealing with his sin, and how relieved and tranquil he was after facing and dealing with them.

            This request to be tested by God is really only dangerous when our faith is weak or when we really don’t want to deal with our sin and be rid of it. Or even if we refuse to come to grips with how damaging and destructive our misdeeds are to our longevity and happiness. The person that is striving to walk by faith and fulfill the divine purpose God created him/her for knows that success is only possible when all obstacles and hindrances are overcome and avoided. Until that happens, we will constantly be dogged and defeated by our shame and guilt, and life will just seem to be filled with challenges, annoyances, problems, difficulties, and worries.

            So then, David’s sentiment in this Psalm is the very medicine our sick soul needs to be healed. Just like a doctor must help us find and eradicate the tumors or viruses that are making us ill, God’s Spirit within us is helping us to discover, define, and remove the sins, harmful attitudes, greedy thoughts, misguided goals, and all other ungodly behaviors so that we can begin to heal spiritually. Because, you see, until we are aware of all sin, especially “secret” sin, we won’t be able to be rid of any of it and it will continue to spring up and haunt and defeat us (and usually at the most inopportune times).

            It is mandatory therefore that we are open and available at all times to be tested by God. Allow Him to search your heart diligently and carefully and to know your anxious thoughts so He can make you aware of them and help you to disable them. Mature your faith to the point where you are comfortable with The Holy Spirit pointing out your offenses so you can avoid them in the future and continue on the way that leads to everlasting life.

            God wants you to understand that you will never be really free and truly alive until ALL sin is done away with – completely.


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