Sunday, October 6, 2013

Holy To The LORD

God chose Aaron and his sons to serve as Israel’s priests.  This was an extremely important and gracious appointment on God’s part.  Priests are mediators.  They stand before a deity on behalf of mortals who wish to make requests of their god or to make atonement if the individual has offended the divine being. In the biblical case, humans have sinned against the all-powerful, all-mighty, creator God.  To allow any humans to mediate was an act of grace.  And if you re-read Exodus 32 you’ll plainly see why His choice of Aaron was surprising indeed.
In order to make the priests visibly elite and to publish their appointed task between sinners and a holy God, they were ordered to wear special garments. Part of the distinctive clothing Moses was commanded to provide to Aaron and his sons to use while ministering on behalf of the people, was the turban.  It was to have a label fastened right on the front of it – right between Aaron’s eyes.  The inscription that God required to be etched onto this sign was “Holy To The LORD” (Exodus 28:36-38 & 39:30-31).  This identified Aaron as the people's representative before God and allowed their sacrifices to bear the guilt of their sins.  This statement was also a constant reminder for Aaron, his sons, and for Israel that the atonement being made on their behalf was allowed by God's graciousness; not because of any holiness on their part.  God willing to transfer their iniquities to their offerings so as to provide atonement for their many offenses.
In the New Testament era, Jesus fulfilled this priestly role for us by His selfless sacrifice at Calvary.  He was the epitome of holiness as He took our sins with Him to the cross in order to atone for them with His own blood.  He became holiness for us in order to separate us from our sins and mediate between us and God.  Now, being washed by His blood, He continues to provide us with direct access to the Father.  He will forever be our mediator and high priest.  And as Peter says all Christians, being cleansed by His blood, are now given the privilege to serve as priests and stand before Him.  Thus, in Christ, we are now deemed by God to be "Holy To The LORD".
However, just like in the history of the Old Testament, it is possible that God’s priests today (Christians) profane their being holy to the Lord by not living up to the standards God has set for us.  He created us to be holy (that is righteous, faithful, virtuous, pure, etc.).  It is to be written across our foreheads that we belong to Him and represent Him (Revelation 7:3). Yet many live according to their lusts; they change God's rules to suit themselves; they mix popular cultural philosophies and practices rather than following God's Word.  The result is that many seekers and lost souls continue to wander through life aimlessly without the divine blessings of God's grace because those sent to mediate for them do not represent the Lord's holiness.  And these unholy priests themselves stagnate in their faith and fall into Satan's traps of apathy, arrogance, and imprudence.

Is your life a testimony of God's grace and holiness?  Are you being a faithful mediator for souls in search of their Creator?  Can others count on you to bring them closer to God?  Renew your mind by committing yourself daily to being holy and showing others the right way to live.  Let it be known (right between your eyes) that you’re striving to be “Holy To The Lord”.

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