Too many today just want to do enough to
get by. They don’t want to put in too
much effort and “waste their lives away” with details. I would estimate that more than half of the
students in my college class are only interested in getting an “average” grade
just so they can pass and get on with “more important / useful” subjects. It seems their aim in life is to be “average”
so they can expend most of their time on what they consider to be fun,
advantageous, or appealing to their personal cravings.
The following, borrowed from an old
bulletin article, states my feelings on “being average” perfectly:
means ‘run-of-the-mill; mediocre; a non-entity, or insignificant.’
‘average’ is to take up space for no purpose; to take a trip through life, but
never pay the fare; no return of interest for God’s investment in you.
‘average’ is to pass one’s life away with time, rather than to pass one’s time
away with life. It’s to kill time,
rather than to work it to death.
To be
‘average’ is to be forgotten once you pass from this life. The successful are remembered because they
tried; but the ‘average,’ the silent majority, is forgotten because they
‘didn’t want to.’
To be
‘average’ is to commit a great crime against yourself and against humanity.
There is
one thing good about being ‘average’ and ‘alive.’ We still have time to repent.”
Adapted from Ferman Carpenter
I believe whole-heartedly that God
did NOT create any of us to be “average.”
The commands to “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and
subdue it” (Genesis 1:28) bear this out implicitly. So many Scriptures urge God’s people to keep
growing in their faith and avoid becoming stagnant (average). Peter’s NT letters go a long way toward informing
us of Satan’s desire to “eat” those who are not being watchful (being average)
and to insist on our need to continue adding to (building / growing) our faith
(1 Peter 5:8; 2 Peter 1:3-9).
Fight the
urges Satan plants in your mind to “take it easy” or to “take a break and be
average.” That kind of thinking is fatal
to your soul. Keep moving; a moving
target is harder to hit. Keep growing;
God will become dearer and His power stronger the more you get to know
Him. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus; He will
get you through life’s chaos. Strive to
be above-average and show everyone around you how a disciple of Christ
overcomes the world (1 John 5:4-5) rather than just doing enough to get by.
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