Friday, June 27, 2014

Healthy Fellowship

            No doubt you’ve heard of the story concerning a race that took place during one of the Special Olympic competitions.  One of the boys fell while running and the others stopped, helped him to his feet, and then arm-in-arm the whole group crossed the finish line together.  A reporter asked one of the runners why he didn’t finish the race and win.  The boy answered (as best he could) that his friend fell and was hurt.  He needed to help his friend.

            It usually takes a touching story like this one to teach us “healthy folk” about what is really important in life.  Accomplishment and Achievement are not the important things.  Winning is not the only important thing.  Success comes from helping each other through the experiences of life.  Togetherness; Fellowship (Greek = Koinanea); Unity; these are the special traits that bring joy and meaning to life.  They are the components of a healthy and thriving life.  Everything God created us for is based on growing in these attitudes (Matthew 20:26-27). 

            The early Christians grew (spiritually & numerically) because they made their togetherness, fellowship (koinanea) and unity a priority.  A look at Acts 2 and 4 clearly shows that these brothers and sisters had what was needed to face some very difficult opposition because of the strength they willingly gave to each other.  Their love and support was evident in every facet of their lives due to the quality and quantity of time they spent with each other.

            Christians today need a healthy fellowship with each other in order to combat the evil influences that are so prevalent in our world.  Satan is attacking from all sides.  Those who make every effort to build loving relationships with their fellow Christians have the extra strength needed to fight off Satan and keep his temptations at bay.

            How involved have you been in the life of the church?  Have you made it a high priority or do you have to be prodded to attend?  Do you come to encourage and to be encouraged by others?  The only way to counter the influences of sin is to surround yourself with others who are also striving to be like Jesus.  You get the help you need; others receive help from you.  Together we are able to provide the healthy fellowship (koinanea) needed to be holy and live with God forever.

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