Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Acts of Peter

            Most of the book of Acts is about the Apostle Paul and his ministries in the early church (most likely because the author (Luke) was a traveling companion of Paul’s and received most of his information from this apostle).  There is only brief mention of the other apostles in Acts (Peter, John and James).  I sometimes wish that he had given the others more treatment; especially about Peter.  I would like to know more about the acts of Peter.

            I have always appreciated Peter.  Many have given him a bad rap for speaking out of turn, or for being distracted by the storm causing him to sink, or for being violent at Jesus’ arrest, and especially for denying Jesus during the time He was on trial. 

            But what I appreciate most about Peter was his perseverance.  He got knocked down a lot, that much is true (Jesus had to correct him many times; once Jesus even called him “Satan” (Mt. 16); he may have often been impetuous and overbearing).  But he never gave up!  He just kept coming back.  He continued to try and to learn and to grow and to be forgiven and to continue working for the Lord.  No matter what he was required to face, Peter never gave up on Jesus.

Notice Peter’s list of accomplishments for Christ and His kingdom:
He was the first to confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God (Mt. 16);
He was the only true human to walk on water (he succeeded for a time – Mt. 14);
He opened the doors of the kingdom (Acts 2);
He stood defiantly against his persecutors and defended Jesus as the Messiah (Acts 4, 5);
He healed the sick and raised the dead (Acts 3, 9);
He converted the first Gentile to Christ (Acts 10)
He was miraculously released from prison (Acts 12)
He wrote 2 New Testament letters (about courage & holiness);
And Peter eventually gave his life as a martyr for the cause of Christ.

            It’s obvious from looking at his life that Peter was filled and guided by God’s Spirit. We can accomplish similar feats by imitating his example of faith, commitment, service and perseverance in fulfilling our mission by the power of the Holy Spirit.  You’ll be able to mature to the point that the challenges of life will not be a cause for you to give up on Jesus. Use His power living right inside you to keep coming back until the Lord calls you home.


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