Saturday, August 23, 2014

A God Who Perseveres

            We do a lot of things that anger God:  we follow our own selfish desires, try to get by in life on our own abilities, neglect those closest to us, break promises, refuse to fulfill our vows, and too many other vices to mention here.  Yet God never gives up on us.  He is consistent in His willingness to forgive and restore us to Himself whenever we turn to Him.  The Bible has plenty of examples to emphasize this part of the divine nature.  So, when we’re not with Him (on the same page; following His design of holiness), it’s because we’ve turned against Him and gone off in our own direction.  The good news though, is that He is still right where He promised to always be (see Jesus’ parable – Luke 15:11-32).


            When difficult times come upon you, do you turn to Him to help you get through them?

            When those closest turn against you, do you believe that He is still there?

            When you’re hopelessly outnumbered, do you remember that being with God gives you a decisive advantage?

            When you have a tough choice to make, do you give it to Him so He can help you decide?

            When your health fails, when your family is falling apart, when your job situation is “iffy”, do you trust that He will carry you through no matter what?

            It’s possible that God allows these things above to remind you that you need to be with Him.  These are times to remember that He is always near; He always cares; His arms are open to embrace you; He wants to persevere with you and help you get through it all.  It’s just that, sometimes, we need strong medicine to get rid of our sin.  And (if your faith can handle it) He loves you enough to force it down your throat and get it into your system so that you see the way to return to Him.

            Read these verses if you don’t trust my thoughts here: Job 1:21; Ps 32:3-7; Isa 1:16-20; Jer 29:11; Rom 5:3-5; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Php 4:12-13; Heb 12:1-13; James 1:2-4; 1 Pet 1:3-9.  And keep in mind that there are plenty more I could list.

            No, it isn’t easy to trust God when things don’t go our way.  Jesus never promised that things would be easy – in fact, just the opposite (see John 14-17).  What God does promise, however, is that you will never have to face these bad times alone.  Because, even when all others fail you, God never will.  He will always be near to help.  He is a God who perseveres with you.  So shun Satan, get on board with God, and don’t be tempted to quit.


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