Saturday, July 16, 2016

Store Up For Yourselves

            One of the lessons that my mother drilled into me while I was growing up was the importance of sharing with others.  Many of the television shows that were designed for children also taught the same thing, so I naturally came to realize that it was always the right thing to do. 

            So you might understand why I grew up having a problem with Jesus’ parable about the Ten Virgins (Maidens).  This story has a group of young ladies who were unwilling to share with others.  And Jesus seemed to be sanctioning their behavior.  After all, they were the ones allowed inside while those they refused to share with were left out in the cold.

            As I continued to read and listen to lessons about this parable, the more it dawned on me why Jesus spoke as He did.  Jesus was encouraging His followers to be ready for His return.  When we remember this, the other details fall into place and make a lot more sense.

            All of us must work hard every day to stay on track with Jesus, and there are some things needed to accomplish this task that are just impossible to share with others.  For example: your faith.  Faith is the building block (the foundation) of your relationship with God.  You can tell others about your faith, but you cannot give them the faith they need to follow Jesus.  Faith is something each of us must acquire in our own lives as we encourage each other to do the same.

            Another example is peace of mind.  Our conversion to Christ provides us with the tools required to attain contentment in life, but it is something we must build on our own.  No one can give this quality to someone else.  And so it goes with all of the virtues listed as the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): these are blessings that we must build into our lives, but are impossible to give to or receive from others.

            And all of these needed, yet un-sharable characteristics are what Jesus was alluding to by using the symbol of the “oil” for the girl’s lamps.  When we face God / Jesus on the last day, our lamps (Christian example / lifestyle) must be burning brightly with the oil that God has helped us accumulate in this life. 

            With this in mind, then, are you ready for His return?  Is your lamp burning brightly or is it ready to burn out?  If you’re depending on others to bail you out, you will be disappointed, just as the foolish girls were.  Work every day from now on and spend as much time with God’s people as possible in order to receive the encouragement needed to be ready and to stay ready.


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