Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Number One Evil

     All of Paul’s letters to churches and individuals were designed to combat certain problems that first century Christians were facing.  Though each case had a different set of circumstances surrounding it, all of the issues had the possibility of creating what can be considered the number one evil for the church.  Division - Satan’s favorite weapon against God.  It is the devil’s best strategy because if he can divide us, he can (and does) defeat us.
     The church was designed to provide us with much needed fellowship.  This is, in fact, the earmark of the church.  Division destroys the fundamental purpose of the church.
     When Christians are divided and no longer in fellowship, our worship suffers because we cannot focus on the Father.  Our faith suffers because we are too busy defending our cause and trying to defeat one another.  Our influence in the community falters because we are unable to show others the mark of Christianity (love for one another - John 13:35).
     So how can we avoid division?  Well, it really depends on each one of us being committed to the following: 

     1.  You must decide to do whatever possible to keep division from happening.
     2.  You must remain focused on Christ.
     3.  You must study the Scriptures and use them for all matters of doctrine.
     4.  You must be willing to allow others freedom of opinion on issues not clearly taught in the Bible.
     5.  You must accept that not everyone is on the same level of understanding and faith that you are.
     6.  You must take every opportunity to improve your relationship with each person.

     If you wait for others to do these things, division is sure to happen.  If you expect others to do these things, division has already happened.  The best way to avoid the number one evil, is to do whatever you can to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).


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