Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prepared For Jesus

     I knew a man that was involved in building houses.  I asked him what the most difficult part of the house was to build.  “It’s impossible to describe the time and energy that goes into planning,” he said.  “The actual construction of the house is easy once the plans are in print.”

     All of life is the same way.  Every important step requires preparation.  In school we must learn the basics before going on to the “good stuff.”  At work, we must go through training before we can do the job properly and safely.  Preparation is the hardest, most tedious and frustrating thing we will go through in life, yet it is also the most important.  Without preparation, we will not be able to succeed at anything in life. 

     When Jesus came to “seek and save the lost,” He didn’t just appear on the scene.  God had His people go through a long period of preparation ahead of time.  In looking back at God’s planning stages, His love for us is plainly obvious.

     There were the sacrifices to teach that sin carries a death sentence - and that God will accept a substitute in our place.  God’s choice of Abraham teaches us the importance that faith plays.  Through the Law of Moses, we see how far our sinfulness is from His holiness.  The Tabernacle rituals depicted the role of the Messiah in bringing us back to God.  And the prophets told God’s people how to recognize the Savior when he arrived to finish the plan.

     Centuries of hard work, patience and love for God.  And even so, most of God’s people were not ready.  The disciples misunderstood.  The people Jesus was sent to save crucified Him.  Not until 50 days later did 3,000 of them realize what they had done.

     And what about you?  Have you prepared yourself to take advantage of what Jesus has offered?  Are you ready to live like Him everyday and so fulfill God’s purpose for your life?  Are you ready for when he returns again?

     God went to a lot of trouble to save you from your sin.  Learn from all of this and start preparing for the final journey.  It will happen sooner than you think.


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