Saturday, March 28, 2015

If I Were Jesus

     Looking back on Jesus’ life and ministry, I have noted several ways in which I think Jesus could have improved things.  Not that anything He did was wrong, mind you.  But I can’t help seeing how He could have had it a bit easier if He had been willing to do and say certain things differently.

     For example, He was the Son of God.  Well then, He needed to exert Himself a little more forcefully.  Buy some nice clothing.  Purchase a house or building in which to hold His classes and seminars.  Challenge His critics to debates.  Eat healthier food.  He should have taken James’ and John’s advice to call down fire on that Samaritan village (Luke 9:51-54).  That would have forced everyone around to take notice of who He really was.

     Yet, I guess He wouldn’t have been able to fulfill His purpose for coming which He said was to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).  And His example of service where He washed the disciple’s feet (John 13:1-17) was perfect.  I’ll have to admit, He couldn’t accomplish this by exerting Himself the way I thought He should.

     Well, then, how about another example.  Jesus was the Son of God.  Therefore, He should have spent His time with the learned scholars of His day, not with the peasants and indigent folk.  I mean, what could a diseased leper ever do to help His kingdom?  They weren’t even allowed near the city.  And tax collectors; those cheats.  Could they really be happy with a smaller income and a teaching profession?  Come on, now.  Jesus should have spent more time convincing those who spent their days studying the Law and Prophets.  He could have easily proven His power with a few choice miracles and “whipped” those guys into the spiritual shape God intended for them.

     Yet, I guess He wouldn’t have been able to fulfill His stated mission which was to seek and save that which was lost (Luke 19:10).  The Jewish religious leaders didn’t know they needed to be saved.  It was the common folk who understood their need for a Savior.  I’ll have to admit, He would have been casting His pearls before swine if he had done it my way.

     All right then.  Let’s try another example.  Being the Master and Teacher, He should have been more careful than to get too close with any of His students and disciples.  The rule is that leaders cannot rule over their subordinates if they bring themselves down to a lower level of authority.  But Jesus compromised His higher position by building intimate relationships with anyone and everyone that He came into contact with.  After all, respect is earned, not granted.

     Yet, I guess He wouldn’t have been able to fulfill His purpose of showing us how much He loves us by acting any other way (John 15:9).  We know what love really is because Jesus came to earth and demonstrated true love to those He came to serve and to save.  I’ll have to admit, He has provided an extremely high standard for us to attain to that wouldn’t have been if He had done things my way.

     So, I guess I wouldn’t change anything Jesus did or said.  The way He did things turned out to be perfect after all.  I can see that what needs to happen is for me to change the things I do and say so that they match what Jesus did and said.  In this way, I will be fulfilling the very same purposes that He was - to serve, seek the lost and love everyone.  And isn’t that what God has been trying to get me to understand all along?  That I need to be like Jesus; that I must reflect Him to everyone I come into contact with every day; that I need to fit my words and deeds to match His; that I cannot rest until I am just like Jesus.


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