Saturday, April 4, 2015

Our Forever Father

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting [Forever] Father, Prince of Peace.”  (Isaiah 9:6)

               Is it correct to think of Messiah (Jesus) as our “Everlasting (Forever) Father”?  I mean the whole trinity formula (God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; The Holy Spirit, our Counselor) seems to be thrown all off if Jesus (Messiah) is our Forever Father. I understand Jesus being the Forever Son; my constant friend, confidant, and intermediary to God, the Father – the One in charge. But Everlasting Father tends to blur the lines defining the personalities and job functions. That is, on a human level it seems confusing until I struggle to remember two things:

            (1) God is an equal unit. All of His unique personalities (Father, Son, Spirit) function together in perfect harmony. They’re all on the same level of hierarchy and importance. So this passage is equating Messiah (Jesus) as being God, the Father in the flesh as one of us (Immanuel).

            (2) Father doesn’t necessarily refer to a family patriarch, or founder, or higher-ranking official. Sometimes a father is a caretaker or steward; one who sees to the needs and welfare of another. Think of a trusted servant, or adviser to a high official. Like Joseph, who claims that God has made him “father to Pharaoh” (Genesis 45:8).

            I think this second usage fits the context of Messiah’s purpose and mission most perfectly. Didn’t Jesus Himself say that He came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45)? Doesn’t He refer to Himself as the Good Shepherd (John 10): a role of caretaker to lesser individuals in need? And isn’t He described as being in charge of God’s household, the church, His bride (Hebrews 2:14-18)? His ministry and atonement at Calvary attest to His task of seeing to and meeting our spiritual needs working on behalf of the entire God-head. After all, He was the fulfillment of all of God’s promises (2 Corinthians 1:19-20) and the perfect solution to man’s sin problem.

            Think of what a wonderful blessing this promises then. God the Father, as Jesus the Son is continually looking after and taking care of our every need by the power of His Holy Spirit living within us – forever! As Everlasting Father, Jesus’ blood continues to cleanse those who walk with Him in the light (1 John 1:7). As Everlasting Father, Jesus continues to interpret our prayers­­ (Romans 8:26) and work out good things for our benefit (Romans 8:28). ­­­­­­As Everlasting Father Jesus has our eternal home prepared for our arrival in Heaven (John 14:1-3). As Everlasting Father we have the power/strength to handle anything that comes our way (Philippians 4:13) and the confidence to know that Satan can’t stand against us (James 4:7). The list of blessings is literally endless since He is our Everlasting [Forever] Father.

            Isn’t it time you returned to the Father? He is longing for your return so He can celebrate (like in Jesus’ story – Luke 15). Put on Christ in baptism (Galatians 3:26-27) and/or get back on track with the Spirit and let Him guide you into all holiness. He promises to be the perfect guardian and caretaker of your soul. And you’re promised an eternity of blessings to experience alongside Him by doing so.


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