Isn’t it amazing that God had the
solution to man’s sin problem the moment (or possibly before the moment) the
first humans fell to Satan’s deceptions?
With the curse upon the serpent for its part in that tragic event
(Genesis 3:14-15) He provided the first prophecy of Jesus’ atonement – the
answer for overcoming our rebellion and restoring us to the loving relationship
He created us for. Sin separates profane souls from the Holy God (death in
biblical terminology implies a separation away from; it doesn’t mean cease to
exist as English – and Satan – define it: see Genesis 3:4; Romans 7:7-25). As
soon as our souls began to rot due to our severing ourselves from His
life-giving, life-sustaining source, He began the process of soul-restoration.
Otherwise there would be no possibility for Him to be able to sustain our life
with Him.
So all of the biblical material
following Genesis 3 describes how God prepared mankind and brought about the
remedy that restores and sustains lost souls in a justified (“not guilty”) state
before Him. All throughout the Scriptures He clearly depicts His passion to
bring about the restoration of our damaged, broken souls. He visualized His
desire to do this through the various miracles He empowered His faithful
servants to perform. These signs and mighty works proved His power and ability
to undo the tragic effects of our sin. Healing diseases, handicaps, and bodily
ailments; manipulating the natural elements; driving out demons (Satan);
raising the dead; these all foreshadowed God’s longing to restore and sustain
sinful human’s lives.
Jesus even proclaimed that the whole
purpose for His coming to the earth was to reverse the curse(s) of sin. He is
quoted in John 11:25: “I am the
resurrection (restoration) and the
life (sustaining force). He who
(continually) believes (faiths) in me will live (continually), even though he dies (physically).” Thus
He explains His mission as a “Restore and Sustain” operation. His life, loving
service, and selfless sacrifice on Calvary is THE remedy for sin and THE source
of eternal life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).
Can you find a better description of
“Amazing Grace”? He went through a lot of trouble and expended an inordinate
amount of energy, and surrendered His whole life because He loves you with an
everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). He did all this to prove how desperately He desires
to be together with you in harmony – forever! Can you see how deeply He feels
about you?
In light of all this, the pertinent question
now is: “How do you feel about Him?”
you love Him enough to be born again through baptism so He can restore your
soul? (John 3:5; Romans 6:3-5; Galatians 3:26-27)
you love Him enough to murder your sinful ways so that He can sustain your life
all eternity? (Romans 8:12-14)
you love Him enough to commit to helping Him complete His “Restore and Sustain” mission? (Matthew 28:19-20)
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