Jesus did something my grandmother told
her grandchildren (and I would suppose her children too) never to do; He put
all of His eggs into one basket. Jesus based all of His ministry, and purpose,
His identity as Messiah, indeed His entire being, on one miracle; resurrection
from the dead. His critics insisted that He answer for Himself and produce some
kind of sign to prove His authority for His “radical” ideas and “disruptive” behavior.
What’s maddening about their attitude is that Jesus had been publicly and
visibly performing countless “signs”, “wonders”, and “mighty deeds” for a long
time up to that point. What more did He need to do in order to satisfy them?
Obviously they were of a mind that nothing he could do would be good enough.
So He at first responded with an
accusation of their evil intent (wicked/sinful and adulterous/spiritually
bankrupt – totally unwilling to listen to or accept any truth). But then He softened
and probably for the sake of His favorable followers and those interested in
learning and growing provided a sign. Referring to an incident involving the
prophet Jonah, He created what he called the “sign of Jonah.” This would serve
as a prediction of that one miracle that would prove everything about Him to be
true (see Matthew 12:38-42).
You can envision His critics screwing up
their faces trying to recall a “sign of Jonah” and muttering under their breath
to each other asking if they had heard Him correctly. “Sign of Jonah?!?! Never
heard of such a thing. What’s He getting at? He must be insane; a fraud. Forget
Him, let’s get out of here.” Yet this would be among a long list of predictions
that He would be raised from the dead after being three days and three nights
in a tomb – similar to Jonah being in the fish’s belly for the same period of
time. And what’s funny (or sad) is that
the Jews remembered this prediction (Matthew 28:63) and His disciples did not
(Luke 24:6-7, 25-26).
In essence, what Jesus was saying by
using this “sign” is: “If you don’t see me three days after my death, then you
were right – I am a fraud. Carry on with your lives as you have been. But if I
do come back to life after being in the tomb for three days and nights, then
everything I’ve been doing and saying is the absolute truth and you’d better
change your ways and get in line with God.”
Well we know the end result: after three
days and nights in the tomb . . . He’s Alive!! No seal could keep the stone in
place; no trained killers on guard duty could keep Him inside; no persecution
and killing of His disciples could erase the fact that Jesus had raised from
the dead – never to die again. He’s alive forever more.
Even now, from the church age on into
eternity, resurrection is the central element of the faith. In fact, without
resurrection Christianity has no meaning, no basis, no significance (1
Corinthians 15:12-18). God’s work of redemption is founded upon Jesus’
resurrection from the dead. It was the means by which God proved His victory
over sin. And our hope of resurrection to new life, eternal life with God, is
now guaranteed to all of those who through baptism have died to sin, been with
Christ and raised to new life. As Paul says, Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
was “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20).
Resurrection for those clothed with Christ is a certainty.
So which side of the fence are you on?
The critic’s side that refuses to be satisfied with anything God has done to
prove Himself true to you? If so, what is it that you’re looking for in life?
You know nothing here lasts or provides everything you need; so why are you
still hanging on to futility?
Or are you on Jesus’ side which
appreciates the great sacrifice He suffered through to call you back to
Himself? If so, give your life back to Him. Be baptized into Christ to wash
away your sin and live from now on striving to imitate the example He has
provided for you. You know He is the only way that leads to life – long after
this one ends. He is the only answer to all of life’s questions.
Trust in His resurrection and anticipate
your own so you can enjoy everlasting life. You’ve got nothing to lose by doing
so; and everything to gain.
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