Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Gift of Love

     This truly is a special time of year.  Most of the world will stop and reflect on the joys of giving.  The example they will be focused on is the gift God gave to the people of the world some 2,000 years ago.  The apostle John stated it so well when he said that, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).  This season is a reminder for every person to imitate this attitude of generosity which God demonstrated by sending Jesus into the world.

     For most people, they will recall the biblical story of Jesus’ birth.  They will be thinking about baby Jesus lying in a manger.  They will remember angels singing, shepherds and wise men visiting and giving special gifts.  They will sing songs which tell of this great event and call on everyone to rejoice for the gift of Jesus.  

     I think it’s great that for a short while almost everyone pauses to think about God and Jesus, others less fortunate, and spending time with family.  It’s good for the world to slow down a bit so that we can reflect on the blessings of giving and sharing with one another.  But it would be a shame for us to forget that the birth of Jesus was only the beginning of what He came to earth to accomplish.

     Because, as miraculous as the virgin birth was, it must be understood that the gift God so lovingly gave us was not a baby, but an event that would take place some 33 years later.  Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was to surrender His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; 1 Timothy 2:6; Hebrews 9:15). And the greatest part of all happened three days after His victorious sacrifice.  The empty tomb proved His power, majesty and love for every one of us (1 John 4:9-10). And that was the amazing gift of God’s love: atonement, redemption, justification, salvation from sin!

     So how do you feel about this incredible gift of love?  Your life will show your gratitude to God for this gift by how you give through your daily life.  Live to reflect Jesus to those around you every day.  This will ensure that God’s gift keeps on giving. Then you can enjoy a giving attitude all year round.  It’s an amazing life when one gets to know this gift that surpasses all understanding (Ephesians 3:19).

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