Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Seven “Challenges” of Asia

     I know the title should say “churches” instead of “challenges.”  I’ve read Revelation 2 & 3 many times over.  But I’m more and more convinced that the world “challenges” fits the context of Jesus’ message perfectly.  Too many interpretations of these chapters get bogged down with the meaning of the symbols (lampstands, stars, angels, etc.) and reasons for Jesus’ pleasure or displeasure with their “performances.”  Then most commentators move on to the more dramatic symbols and sections of the book and pass over what are probably the most important and useful lessons being taught in the Apocalypse.  A few of these are . . .

            (1) Jesus’ message wasn’t only for these 7 congregations.  The number 7 stands for all of the saved.  These groups represent what has been going on in any church and Christian since Pentecost 33 A.D.  And it’s likely that certain ones are facing 2, 3 or all 7 challenges all at the same time, every day.  If you’re honest, you’ll admit that all Christians (churches) constantly struggle with lack of commitment (like Ephesus), mixing cultural philosophies with Christianity (like Pergamum and Thyatira), and apathy, complacency and arrogance (like Sardis and Laodicea) as well as overcoming constant adversity (like Smyrna and Philadelphia).

            (2) These churches weren’t flawless; they had lots of problems. Jesus still considered them His people.  He called for them to humbly acknowledge their flaws and work to overcome them.  He wanted those who were struggling and growing to keep on doing so.

            (3) After overcoming their problems, these churches probably found themselves tempted by the same difficulties all over again.  Satan succeeded with these things before; he obviously tried them again (and again).  We’re never done overcoming; we have to continue beating Satan.

            Living the Christian life demands constant diligence and vigilance.  Jesus’ disciples must strive to live for Him in all they think, say and do.  This is why the lessons taught in Revelation 2 & 3 should not be skipped over for the more dramatic material in the latter chapters.  Only disciples willing to face the seven challenges and who are overcoming daily will be able to move on to the next exciting episodes of the Apocalypse story.  Only they will be blessed to receive the promised help, enlightenment and courage needed to defeat Satan and take advantage of the eternal life Jesus promises in this thrilling Revelation.


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