Friday, October 31, 2014

Learning to Depend Upon God

            David was not ready to be king when Samuel anointed him.  He knew nothing about leading people and the issues involved in running a government.  He only knew how to take care of livestock and defend them against predators.
            David needed training to prepare him for being Israel’s king.  He showed courage and faith when facing a giant.  He watched the proceedings of government while playing music for the king.  He observed military strategy as Saul’s armor bearer.  Eventually he became a soldier and was soon promoted to an officer.  And David also learned loyalty (with Jonathan) and diplomacy (becoming the king’s son-in-law).
            But there was still another element he would need to succeed at being God’s man on the throne.  Though he had already built a great deal of faith and courage upon God, he needed to learn how to be totally dependent upon Him.  You see, he was only going to be successful by learning how to rely completely upon God.  This is where Saul (his predecessor) had failed.
            His lessons took place out in the wilderness away from the distractions that come with living the “high life” in the palace.  It was through the painful and lonely experiences of living off of the land and sleeping in caves and being unjustly treated that David learned where to turn for help and comfort.  It was here that he had the opportunity to whip a group of malcontents into an elite fighting force.  It was during this time that he learned how to control his temper and use his talents to serve others.  When he finally became king, he was ready to depend upon God’s strength.
            We have to be willing to face the same preparation for our spiritual lives today if we expect to be successful in life.  All of the wonderful blessings promised by God are for those who are willing to learn His ways and depend totally upon Him for everything.  He will not just “plop” nice things down into our laps.  Instead, He challenges us to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) so that we build courage and faith and strive to take good care of our spiritual treasures.
            Therefore instead of complaining and worrying about the ways God leads us, strive to see them as opportunities and stepping stones to becoming totally dependent on Him.  He has proven to be trustworthy and dependable.  Mature your faith to the point where you can easily see that He is the only One who provides the power to love, to save, and to help us be victorious.

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