Don’t you hate it when
people break their promises? You get
your hopes up and then they dash them to pieces by neglecting to do what they
said they would. It’s difficult to trust
them afterwards.
God, of course, has
never gone back on any of His promises.
This is what Joshua reminded the people of during his farewell address
(Joshua 23:14). Yet there was a time
when one of our biblical heroes experienced what appeared to be a broken
promise from God.
The account is found
in Genesis 22:1-18. Abraham is told by
God to offer his son Isaac as a burnt sacrifice to the LORD. Now just wait a minute! Since when did God allow human
sacrifices? And not only that, but His
promise to Abraham was that he would become a great nation through Isaac. How can this happen if Abraham kills him?
What’s amazing to me
is that Abraham obeyed God without raising any objections. My first reaction would be to accuse God of
breaking His promise. But not Abraham. Notice what Scripture says about this man’s
faith: “Abraham reasoned that God
could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from
death” (Hebrews 11:19). Wow! That thought would have never occurred to
me. What faith he had in God that he
would have considered a drastic idea like resurrection.
And now the lesson
comes home to me. How do I react
whenever God requests that I give up something in order to rely more fully on
Him? Am I willing to give my children to
Him? Am I willing to give my marriage to
Him? Am I able to trust Him to carry me
through life? God has promised take
care of my needs (Matthew 6:33-34) and that he will bring good results out of all
the chaos I create (Romans 8:28). But do
I believe these promises? Is my faith
strong enough that I can truly trust them?
The answer to all of
these questions is “Yes” in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20). And this will become clearer to me the more
time I spend with Him. It will become as
apparent to me as it did to Abraham the closer I grow toward the One who has
never failed on a promise.
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