Saturday, October 25, 2014

Power Over Evil

            What a wonderful sense of relief comes with our salvation in Jesus Christ.  And there are many and various reasons for this peace of mind.  In Christ we have redemption through His blood.  In Christ we have been reconciled to God.  In Christ we have been justified (declared “not guilty”) from our penalty of sin.  In Christ we have access to God’s throne where we can pour out our praise and requests to Him in prayer.  In Christ we have the motivation and power to overcome our sinful desires – which gives us the ability to stand against Satan and enjoy watching him flee from us (James 4:7).

            All throughout Jesus’ ministry, the gospel writers were proving His power over all of the things that stand against us in life (or those we allow to distract us from our goal of righteous living).  The miracles recorded in these accounts were designed to demonstrate God’s loving care by easily removing the things we think are impossible.

            One such instance involves Jesus casting out a legion of demons from a man who had obviously allowed them to take up residence in his body.  Notice in the account how the demons did their best to destroy the man’s body and life.  That is a natural result of when Satan and his forces are given room to work from within a person.  Jesus, just by His words, cast the demons out and brought a wonderful peace to the man who was once possessed.  And he was so grateful that he began to travel the countryside telling everyone his story and giving glory to God.

            It’s easy to forget the power we possess when things are going badly and the challenges of life become exhausting.  We allow ourselves to lose sight of God’s ever-abiding presence and begin fixating on the problems facing us.  That’s the time we need to take a time-out and remember God’s perfect track record written down for us in Scripture.  Turn to God and allow Him to empower you to cast out the “demons” that are tormenting you unnecessarily and regain the peace He desires for you to enjoy (see 2 Corinthians 12:7-10).  His grace is all you need.

            Can you trust Him to strengthen and empower you beyond the reach of Satan? 

            Do you have what it takes to persevere and live the life He has called you to? 

            Take a moment out of each day and let God bring you the kind of peace that passes all understanding.


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